
Hebrews: Verse by Verse is unavailable, but you can change that!

In Hebrews: Verse by Verse, author William R. Newell’s main focus is Christ’s superiority. This comprehensive, practical, and devotional commentary focuses on the contexts surrounding Hebrews. It’s packed with technical footnotes and includes eight appendixes covering topics like baptism, the church’s nature, the three elements of divine forgiveness, Hebrew’s authorship, and the Lord’s second...

It is in view of the Divine glory of the Person of Christ, the SON, Heir of all things, addressed as God, Lord, Creator and Upholder of all things; also, indeed, as Son of Man—for as man He is to be set over all things! And we even now behold Him, “because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor.” Thus is He, the Son, set before us at the very first in Hebrews! How utterly different is this from Old Testament “words” and “portions.” Truly this is another “manner of speaking” than those
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